Dr Akilah – Celestial Healing Wellness Center

The Natural Health and Holistic World According to Dr Akilah

The Truth About Energy Bars

By: Alan W. Jarrett

Zap! Bang! Pow! Boom!

Is that what you expect when you eat energy bars or power bars? Can you feel the huge surge of energy/power rushing through your body?

Sleek! Fine! Sensuous!

That’s what you are expecting to see in the mirror when you eat the latest low-fat protein bar. Have you noticed that figure looking back at you is slimmer and looking healthier?

What the makers of these energy bars or power bars don’t want you to know is energy, power, protein and nutrition are pretty much just advertising words. Those bars don’t have to do what the words imply. Those are just names and only imply what you, the consumer, want to hear. Oh they do enough, just enough, to satisfy the liberal freedom of “truth in advertising” rules.

Why would you buy one of those energy bars, if you knew it had almost the same calories, fat and sugar as many of the popular candy bars? Are you kidding? If your goal is to get healthier, slimmer, or replace a meal after a 30 to 60 minute workout, a candy bar or anything like it is probably on your “not” list. Right?

Next time you’re thinking about one of these energy bars, take a moment to consider where it is. Do you find them mixed in with the other candy bars? Sometimes, but in general they have a place of their own.

Make sure “sugar free” really means what it says. Corn syrup or fructose are just as bad. Some of these bars have more sugar than a candy bar. At an average of 100 calories per ounce with plenty of saturated fat, you would have to be a competitive weight lifter or marathon runner to have any chance of avoiding weight gain!

So take a moment to get a Snickers that is about 2 ounces in weight, and compare the ingredients and nutrition info on the label of the candy bar to the energy bars. Get ready for a surprise.

Don’t be surprised to find terms on some like “net carbs.” Some labels don’t actually count certain kinds of carbohydrates as being important, but your waistline will count them!

Now, before you go jump off a CLIFF and land in NATURE VALLEY somewhere there is hope! Nope! That’s not the name of some new energy bars. If there’s one out there by that name this is no endorsement!


Nope, that’s not the name of some new energy bars either. That’s where! And using organic food products can give you the flavor, health and nutrition benefits missing from the energy bars you find at the store.

Making these energy bars from home can be fun. You can make them very simple using your favorite nut or fruit. Or, use a combination of nuts such as almonds, walnuts, cashews, brazil nuts, pine nuts, black walnuts, pecans.

As a great source of protein dried fruits like apricots, pineapple, apples, banana chips, cranberries, raisins, figs, blueberries really add to the flavor.

For some interesting crunch value add sesame, pumpkin, poppy, caraway, sunflower seeds, as well as other organic food items. Mix it up to make a terrific batch of great tasting gourmet energy bars.

Organic foods are grown in healthy soil and free of all the chemicals commercially produced foods are full of. Organic foods have the nutritional value that is all but gone from non-organic foods.

With the right recipe you will notice a difference in your energy bars. OK! You will not turn into the Hulk, or Cher! But just knowing that everything in that energy bars is good for you does a lot for your sense of well being.

This is real simple and easy to put together energy bars. But do yourself the favor of getting the organic stuff. Now if you want the REAL comparison, make a batch of energy bars without the organic stuff. Then try a different batch or energy bars with organic products. Compare and see for yourself.

No, this is not an endorsement for organic products or that you should change to all organic foods. Decide for yourself once you’ve made some comparisons. When the difference in flavor makes it’s first impact, you’ll know there’s a reason the organic food industry has grown.

There has been a steady increase of 10% every year for the last ten years in this industry. See for yourself and know the truth firsthand.

Here’s the recipe.

Energy Bars-Unbaked 

  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup wheat germ
  • 1/2 cup oat bran
  • 1/2 cup vanilla protein power
  • 1 cup crunchy peanut butter
  • 1 cup raisins or dried fruit of your choice/chopped
  • 1 cup chocolate or carob chips
  • 1 cup honey

Mix all ingredients well. Pat out on wax paper into a large rectangle. Take a large knife and divide into bar shaped rectangles. Put these in Ziploc bags and freeze ‘til you need them. Simple. Easy.



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