Dr Akilah – Celestial Healing Wellness Center

The Natural Health and Holistic World According to Dr Akilah

Caffeine Addiction Is a Mental Disorder, Doctors Say

George Studeville
for National Geographic Magazine

Question: What do heroin addicts who receive a daily dose of methadone have in common with people who feel they cannot function without that morning cup of caffeine?

Answer: They are tending to their addiction—keeping the physical devils of drug withdrawal at bay.

As writer T.R. Reid pointed out in his January 2005 National Geographic article, “Caffeine,”researchers agree that regular caffeine use triggers a physical dependence, a mild form of addiction.

The article describes how some heavy caffeine users grow irritable, get headaches, or feel lethargic when they can’t get that coffee, soft drink, energy drink, or cup of tea. (See a photo gallery of the many forms of caffeine.)

But should those effects of caffeine withdrawal be classified as a definite psychological disorder?

Yes, contends Roland Griffiths, a professor of behavioral biology and neuroscience at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland.

Griffiths, who helped review the caffeine article in National Geographic, is a principal author of a comprehensive caffeine-withdrawal study. He hopes the report presents a strong case to include caffeine withdrawal in the next edition of theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Known as the DSM, the manual is published by the American Psychiatric Association. Mental-health practitioners use it to help identify conditions and treatment strategies. The next edition will be published in 2010.

In addition, Griffiths believes that the diagnosis criteria for caffeine withdrawal should be updated in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, a medical manual used by the World Health Organization.

His conclusions are based on a review of more than 170 years’ worth of scientific research and published medical observations on the physiological affects of caffeine and its withdrawal symptoms.

The researchers cited 57 experimental studies and 9 survey studies to support their recommendations for including caffeine withdrawal in the DSM. Their study was reported in the October 2004 issue of the journal Psychopharmacology.

“Doctors and other health professionals have had no scientifically based framework for diagnosing the syndrome,” said Griffiths, explaining why he undertook the research project.

In an interview, Griffiths said that the studies had demonstrated that people who take in as little as a hundred milligrams of caffeine per day—about the amount in half a cup of coffee—can acquire a physical dependence that would trigger withdrawal symptoms.

“Although most regular caffeine users know that caffeine is a mild stimulant, many are not aware that abrupt cessation can sometimes produce unpleasant withdrawal symptoms,” Griffiths said.

The studies suggested five clusters of common withdrawal symptoms:
• Headache
• Fatigue or drowsiness
• Depression or irritability
• Difficulty in concentrating
• Flulike symptoms including nausea, muscle pain, and stiffness

Griffiths said that the studies consistently indicated that at least half of regular caffeine consumers would experience withdrawal symptoms if they abstained. And, he added, that the research showed that symptoms could flare up regardless of what type of caffeine product was used.

“With regard to severity, 13 percent of people had clinically significant distress or functional impairment,” Griffiths added. “At its worst, caffeine withdrawal involved missing work, canceling social functions, and going to bed with the belief that they had the flu.”

The onset of symptoms, research indicated, occurred within 12 to 24 hours after stopping caffeine intake. Peak unpleasantness occurred within the first two days, but other symptoms could continue for as long as nine days.

An interesting finding of the research, Griffiths said, is that regular caffeine consumers may use it more to stave off withdrawal symptoms than to simply enjoy the product.



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2 responses to “Caffeine Addiction Is a Mental Disorder, Doctors Say

  1. benjiturpin September 18, 2012 at 1:30 pm

    Search Bruce K. Alexander, rat park and the roots of addiction. A rat in a cage is not a real rat. A human in a study is hardly either. An unhappy corporate peon will become addicted to anything from online porn, passive-aggressive posturing, sniffing Sharpies, or, coffee. Whatever. People who hate their job and are lonely become mental and dependent on physical repetition. Just like rats! Engaged, social humans will not. Just like rats!

    No Doctor’s Today, Thank You by Ogden Nash

    They tell me that euphoria is the feeling of feeling wonderful,
    well, today I feel euphorian,
    Today I have the agility of a Greek god and the appetitite of a
    Yes, today I may even go forth without my galoshes,
    Today I am a swashbuckler, would anybody like me to buckle
    any swashes?
    This is my euphorian day,
    I will ring welkins and before anybody answers I will run away.
    I will tame me a caribou
    And bedeck it with marabou.
    I will pen me my memoirs.
    Ah youth, youth! What euphorian days them was!
    I wasn’t much of a hand for the boudoirs,
    I was generally to be found where the food was.
    Does anybody want any flotsam?
    I’ve gotsam.
    Does anybody want any jetsam?
    I can getsam.
    I can play chopsticks on the Wurlitzer,
    I can speak Portuguese like a Berlitzer.
    I can don or doff my shoes without tying or untying the laces because
    I am wearing moccasins,
    And I practically know the difference between serums and antitoccasins.
    Kind people, don’t think me purse-proud, don’t set me down as
    I’m just a little euphorious.

  2. LubbyGirl September 18, 2012 at 10:37 pm

    I remember when I had to cut caffeine consumption about 12 years ago…right after a heart attack. I didn’t know that the headaches and lethargy were results of that – I thought it was because of the heart attack and the meds. Who knew!! If only I would have stuck with the decaf – back to regular, and I know I’ll pay the price if I cut it out, but it’s probably a good idea to at least cut back, eh?